don't you think blogging is a mental illness? hehe..

like seriously,
i've made this blog on 1/1/12.
it's been 8 days now.
25 posts

25 posts in 8 days?
owh mr crab.
i am totally sick. kan?

depan lappy the whole day
padahal esok ader test nih.
ur very sick fieyona!
im not ok AT ALL, and its hard to acting normal,
pretending everything is fine is s***.

but it's good for me kot,
blogging nih dah macam satu therapy.
i love writing, and enjoy reading real life stories.

we write, people read, and we read people's writings and thoughts.
add them as friend, even though we barely know who they are, but still we read their stories.
cool kan. as lyssa faizureen said "buat apa ada belog kalau kau nak simpan baik beli dairy" (something like that) i am totally agreed with what she said. blogger is the place you share your stories, information and etc. but don't be overbold with telling all about your personal life online dude! macam umur baru 9 tahun kat belog cerita penuh tentang boifren..adui..

aku selalu terfikir..macam mana jadi seseorang yang lain (orang lain), adakah jalan hidup mereka juga seperti aku?skrip yang kita dapat adalah berbeza, macam mana skrip yang kau dapat? macam mana pulak skrip mereka yang sebelah sana nun? sebab tuh aku mula berbelog secara betul. (sebelum nih pun aku berbelog secara tak betul maksud aku : asek cerite pasal aku, bercinta, sengsara, blablabla..sape nak bace dowh? bikin orang muntah. pastu putus cinta, satu dunia dah tau kau dah gitu-gitu gini-gini ngan si dia..lain lah kalau kau dah kawen..mungkin boleh di jadikan contoh pada orang-orang yang tengah keliru haru biru cari jalan nak tau kehidupan lepas kawen atau kiter nih artisss howthowt. nak lah jugak orang amik tahu)

aku mula blogging sejak 2009. blogger dulu sumpah tak macam sekarang. total follower blog aku yang lama tuh, yang 3 tahun tuh jumlahnya sama dengan belog aku yang baru 8 hari nih. what a shame kan. but how cares. we blogged not to show off dude. or judging who's the most popular, but to have new stories. new friends. and new experiences.

blogger community was awesome!
and i've got tons of new friends :)

even though we had a darkest day in our life, but we're not alone.
pendam,simpan, nyorok is not cool ok. but still, think before you write :)

okay im done with my semipermeable mambrain thought.

now lets go mimpi. the test is small matter, esok dapat paper tibai ajer la gamak :)

psst: come into my dream tonight, please dun break my heart twice.
tata :)


  1. btol tu. tlis blog ni best. jo tngok blog sye lak

  2. :) owrite bebeh..kang bw skodeng kamu.

  3. nice, 25 posts in 8 days. saye 8 posts in 25 days ade laa :)

  4. haha..blogging is addicted :P


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