the lone ranger try to create a WOW!

monday. da day u'll start working hard again after 2days hanging in holidays adoi...need to struggle with thesis research findings and everything and presentation would be the next friday. i'll be a lone ranger for both research thinggy and presentation as my partner, "the ninja" is out to a camp for malaysia team selection whatsoever(sports)...adoiyayyyyyy..mampus doing everything alone with few other commitments is killing me softly. i am so not gonna sleep dis week! and today i loose my appetite when i think about all the workloads.

this is serious. i've just finished doing my intro research and my head was spinning like a merry go round and suddenly i had this thought in my head "GODIEDODIEGODIE" adoiiiiiiii *tepuk dahi* the second time.

another thing is, i am about to change my cellphone num as somebody who told me to go die last few days is calling me like thousand times a day for i dun really know what reasons. you want me to go die, so i go die dude, whatthefishcake u want from me any more? please lah. *tepuk dahi* for the 3rd time. so i decided to just off the phone than. and mybe will deactivate my fb account too, so i can focus on things dat more important den get involved with things dat will made my life puzzelheaded and so on. duh.

as i chose medical devices design for my thesis, i do feel like a doctor now. medical device is quite a good topic but i am a lil bit regret to have dis topic cause it is a very serious topic, i need to dig everything so no body would die with my design.heh. pastu..pastu..pastu..i dun know how to attach the subject of dis project to produce another project which is might be a transport or furniture. adehhhhhh. koyak mak jemahhh.

i think i should go now, we gonna have visitors from Cambridge uni for the exhibition. till then :p 


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