6 years after.

yesternite (word from my korean tourist guide..hehe)  zaa and j, my besties back then in matrix have come and treat me for dinner. so sweet of u gals :)

"6 years after, lots of drama but still remain friends, this is life with them, who were there when in pain and happiness.

Wonder what we will be like in another 6 years time?"

- zaa

reminiscing old days and laugh..and laugh..and another laughing session is a release.  seriously, we are gettin older in a blink of eye. as usual, i am the oldest among us :P (in terms of thinking i think.)
seems like yesterday we had those childhood notty stories and now we had left them behind and laugh hard when we remaining those stories at the dining table. HAHAHAHA. so funny.

j used to be my best hugger. when it come sad day, she's the one who make the whole day bright again, take the masker and tempek to my face :) 
and when j were leaving to main campus..then comes another gal, zaa, the one who would never let my stomach empty. the one who always on diet but always bring her mom's best lasagna. they were likely. so naive, funny and very nice gals :)

untunglah kan..hehe..

actually, we all didn't see each other for quite long time. since last two raya kot. cuz all of us were from different courses, zaa from architecture, j taken urban regional studies, and me, industrial design of applied arts and design. so when we all leave to main campus, still we dun have time to see one another cuz different courses had own wing in the kulliyyah. 
as both of them has graduated, and has steady job now, so they don't usually mingle around campus. so here am i, alone. *alone* huuuu (bunyi cengkerik)..

i always tot i am alone but actually i am not that alone. they were always there. like ALWAYS..
luckily, i dun have nite class on monday. so after working hour, we had a deal for a reunion and gossip. both of them just broke up with their boyfriend, (me too) so sad kan?
i was so surprise to hear so many stories from both gals. time run too fast till i have to catch up things, j is waiting for her scholarship to further master in Scotland, while zaa's mother just won the best food blogger in asia blogger award and now she's bz with her new fashion line the flipper wings project. 
me? im still the old fieyona. nothing to be proud of yet (but i do have fashion line too LOL : saye memang suka penuhkan lemari baju by fieyona amani atelier, cepat pegi like fan page :)

when i've heard their working experiences story, i can't wait to be a true designer, what would it feel then?is it to farrrr away from wut im doin now?? scary. 

so many thing to be shared..

i've told them, when i graduated, i wanted to open a studio (most likely a small shop but a very COOL one) they were so excited and want to be a part of the studio too.. we also have planned for a russia or scotland trip in this few years, insyallah if rezeki is IN :)

after a very fun moment together, they send me back to the mahallah as i need to run over my time limitation. i need to continue my thesis writings which are been rejected like forever. huh. i do need more time with them, so next time i dun need to catch up things which had happened for 6 years in few hours. hahaha. but we had our own life to go on, so after the reunion i know the next time we will meet again would be the next 6 years :)

but its ok, cuz they always there. insyallah :)


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