las menet.


as you all know, i've just been discharged from hospital last week.
2weeks in the hospital, so many things has been left behind.
i have to re-sit for my mid term exam cuz i've missed the exam dat day,
so many quizzes, assignments, and presentations waiting to be done.

i am depress.
till i decided to drop a subject
but i have to pay if i wanted to do so.
and guest how much i have to pay to drop it?

RM500 for one subject!
seriousl laa weh!
cekik darah sungguh university islam antarabenuaantartika nih!

dah lah they refused to pay my hospital bill by not givin me guaranty letter!
how im goin to re-sit my exam without health report which only will be printed when i clear up my debt?
adoi..i tot we student, had insurance we've paid in the fees yang beriban-riban every semester tuh kan
but seems useless! useless! useless! (saje diulang byk kali sebab memang useless!)

huhuhu..luckily my penghulu kampung was very kind hearted
he'd signed a letter for me to validate dat i reserved the right to get free treatment from the hospital.
but i dun know whether the letter is valid or not as the office clerk said they've just signed it, but it's da hospital right to accept or not but its worth it trying kan :)

so now, i have to think back is that worth it to drop a subject with rm 500?
terbang begitu saja?
macam tidak!
with rm500 i can buy so many things.damn it!

so what i have to do is : i HAVE to be cruel to my self. my body. and my mind.
compressing them "semampatnya" to corporate wisely so all work can be done on time.
hadoiyay..i hope everything would be WOKEH!! CHAYOKKKK :) last minute design proposal has been approved!!
even thought i've been left behind,
but i'll run as fast as i can



  1. student UIA jugak ke??? rm500?? oh my, main campus ke?? sbb lau kt cfs iium, kena 50 je klu nk the way, semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kehidupan sis key....

  2. haah..main campus..sebab dah habis masa add/drop..lagi lambat drop lagi byk duit terbang laa..huhuhu :(


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