my dirty kidney and the sweet man.

haven't i mention to you guys about diz doctor? his name is DR ADI.
owh crapp..i fell in love with him! (hey, im not desperate. seriously!)
he is a very soft spoken man. when he talk, you can't barely hear pon ._."
every time he took my blood, or do check up on me, he'll recite "bismillah" -so sweet kannn
and im not even felt any pain when the needle got thru my blood vessel.

he's not that handsome but so cute when he laugh in his mask 5 in the morning when "aunty can't stop talking" keep babbling non stop at the nurses. (kehkehkeh..)

dis morning he woke me up to suck up my blood again for another test, im not even worried cuz i know it would be no pain to gain. 5 in the morning i can't open my eyes, mesti beliau dah kejut beberapa kali pastu saya tak bangun -termalu sendiri -.-"

"so doctor, you work night shift yeah..jarang nampak doctor kat sini" -wahhh ayat nak mengorat *_*
the last time i saw him was last few days, he took my blood at 4 in the morning.
"haah..kat sini keje malam je, pagi keje kat ward jantung" -hehehe
"sakit tak?" when the needle comes out, he will tekan kapas dengan sangat lama (nak duk kat orang lama-lama lah tuhhh *_* hehehe)

i have a few question to ask him but im ashame..alolololo..sepak baru tau..actually i want to ask him whether he could help me regarding  my medical design cuz among the doctors, seems like he's the only friendly doctor in the house. but my eyes didn't givin full cooperation with me, and is there air liur basi? OUCH!
"assalamualaikum" than he's gone.
so i have to wait till nigh to chat with him again..ngehhhh :)

today i will go for another ultrasound scan to check up my left kidney,
is it getting better or worse..inshallah..everything gonna be ok - i hope.
another four days. i have to be a patients with patient. huh.

tata for now~


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