
Wednesday 26 December 2012

#weekendsescape : kuantan - "everybody had their first time"


alhamdulillah.. i had fun last weekends. it's was a lovely and supremely gorgeous wedding! first impression on maran and #kuantan is "far far away country", kuantan- why u so far! omg.. driving four straight hours alone is a bad idea. i mean bad, bad and bad. =_= i don't know where i got the strength and braveness to drive alone in the middle of the nite, i still remember driving in kajang silk few years back- which made me promise to myself not to drive alone, nite at the highway! it's creepy i don't even look at the mirror when horror scene came across my mind. hahaha, but this time is truly different. yes i do feel a bit scared and so damn excited maybe because by best friend is getting married! 

and for u gals info, this is my first time driving dis far alone. YAY. what a record :)

selalu ade peneman, you know i have to be indie kan skang. tehehehe

gerak pukul 11 malam, le mok keep making me scary with those creepy story n suruh gerak pagi besok..wahahaha. jahat mok :P

hahaha..but i think better to be with the bride to be dat nite as it was her last nite in the bachelorettehood! lol.

the first destination is maran, before i heading to kuantan for meeting and sharing with few friends. so let's talk about maran first :)

sampai jer toll maran, kabus sangat-sangat tebal, never experience benda mcm ni, being the only car in the fog. sumpah takut. i can't even saw the pondok toll pun. pheww. tricky habes nak lalu smart tag =_= n naseb baek umah amy didn't dat hard to find..bersyukur gila selamat sampai, otak dah pk macam-macam kene kejar zombie lah bagai HAHAHA. omg..omg.

so dah paham lah kan kenape tajuk macam tu kan :)

mari jengah gambo-gambor yang mak jemah sempat capture dan camwhore haritu.HAHAHA =_+

she made da beadings. aww :)

she always know how to give cute pose

ferasan moments  -.-"

my first time ever lucky draw. :')
never been dis lucky..hukhuk

i've made dis key for her :')

dats da look with Premium Beautiful Corset ladies!
terus teryah buncit -.-" seronok tak?
the shape will come along later. YAY!

don't be jelly get ur own korset now!
call/sms/whatsapps 0192246224

(wah sempat mak jemah buat eklan.theheheh)

ok. mari ke kuantan pulak!

fiey memang ade misi untuk ke kuantan sebenarnya. to meet Diya, i barely known her..actually kenal kat blog jer..tapi first time jumpa..diya memang excited giler. diya siap dah get ready few question nak tanya fiey. HAHA. retis sgt u'ols :P

lepak dekat tutti frutti yang semangnya buat first time kali jugak. kau memang outdate sangat fiey! sungguh jakun diri ini. tak pe lah..yang penting diriku begitu berharga. CHEWAHHHH. serius jakun, first time makan froyo kena 20 hengget lebih sebab sungguh excited main hambik jer. seb baek duit bonus memang pakai untuk huhahua YAY :3

sungguh memang banyak soklan diya ngn kak anim, opismatenya tanye. tak macam org yg first time jumpa pun. mode masih tak percaya tengah ngedate dengan reader blog. HAHAHAHA. 

after melepak kat tutti frutti, diya jadi pemandu pelancong jap kat fiey tunjuk bandar kuantan yg jadi kebanggaan semua orang pahang nih. then melepak pulak kat ape tah nama mall tuh betulkan cermin mata die yg senget, menyempat mak jemah konon nak cari spek tok mata yang rabun ayam nih. hihihi :P

suit me nicely! guess by marciano :3

tgk kereta diya, teringat first kereta fiey..
my sweet little kancil kale pink yg fiey gelar "pink mafia" ngeh3

then dah masa untuk pulang ketanah tumpah darah ku, kolompo :)
sebenarnya masih berbaki semangat nak pegi teluk chempedak, kononnyer nak melepak dengan kawan lama n capture sunset kat sana..tapi masa memang cemburu kat fiey. terpaksa jugak balek demi anok-anok yang menunggu di ghumah :)

sampai bertemu lagi kuantan people :3
in sha allah

gudbye! the way,

see you next #weekendsescape next year.
it's gonna be the most GLAM event on the 20th of jan '13, 
sape nak ikut
sila email fiey atau

semua org boleh ikut YAY!

in sha allah, 
till next time love!


  1. rasa macam nak makan tuti frutti pulak :)

  2. femes2! haha. rindu nk jumpe akk lgi. pls come again..... :(

    1. nope! dis time diya kena turun KL pulak :)

  3. femes2! rndu nk jumpe akk lgi.. pls come againnnn~~~~~ :(
