weekdays escape : Pavilion Pitstop Spring/Summer Fashion Show.

salam alaik :)

hurmm..lama juga tak hupdate kan? maklum lah menghitung hari nih, takde mase nak dicuri..stress jugak sebab design belum finalized sebab tu decided lari kejap pegi fashion show! hahaha.. before the event started fiey sempat buat business sharing and personal coaching dengan kak effa! dalam time yang sangat limited ni, nak graduate dan kampen Shanghai yg pon dan nak sampai penghujung nih..pekare yg perlu buat ialah don't waste any single second!fuhh!

dah seminggu baru nak hupdate. harus lah utilized cuti semester yg tak berape nak cuti ni hah!

so this is my first time ever pegi fashion show and in sha allah more to come, jakun jugak at first..tapi berlagaks cool ok. pakaian pun tak semengah mana. oh anyway, there are only 3 hijabis in the entire majlis.. memula ingatkan fiey n zarith (my long time bff) jer hijabi..hihi..and i was super excited! best sangat..thnx syg bawak aku pegi PAVILION PITSTOP.. 

Pavilion Pitstop ni sebenarnya diadakan sempena  Pavilion KL Spring-Summer Pitstop Fashion bertemakan perlumbaan F1 yang baru aje bermula dengan tagline " Fast Track To Fashion" kewl habes!

featuring the best fashion lines seperti Vertu, La Martina, Shanghai Tang, Eclipse, Variante, Raoul, Karen Millen, Laura Mercier & Miko Gallery..runaway jadi hot kejap especially bila keluar Deborah Henry! super beautiful!

and i've fell in love with the interior! 
big chandelier menjadikan event sangat Glam n Grand!
(jemah pantang dengan bende berkilat nih!)

so tak nak banyak type..sebab nak saving ayat untuk type thesis..ahaha
mari skodeng sekitar majlis!

i bet dis gal is famous, but i don't really know her.

dis gal is on fire.
vokal mantap habes!

i was excited to seat just one row at the back of siti saleha!
so i pretended as paparazi..hahaha :P
take pixy banyak gila from behind

sekali dia pandang siap senyum kan!
time tu lah flash nak abes battery..cit.

see why i love Variante?

too happy and gained weight! lalalala :P

ok itu saja! jumpa lagi
stay tuned for BTS personality column hijabista may issue :)


ps/ cuti pun macam tak cuti bila kena pergi kelas time cuti -.-


  1. huiiii...best giler..!


    *membaca sambil ternganga nganga..

  2. arghhhh cool ! cool habis !! :D satu yg bikin i jelez dgn dak2 fashion nih bila diorg dpt invitation utk pergi ke fashion show yg awesome ! urghhh, jelez..haha tp xpelah tgk pic dh okay..and yeah, i think girl yg pkai baju merah tu ada muncul dlm iklan2 kt tv, and i like her sbb dia cantik ! :D haha hah, untung betul, mula2 main candid dpd belakang, then terus dpt gmbr bersama siti saleha kan~ hihi nice babe (n_n)

    1. i bukan budak fashion..i budak industri jer..HAHAHA..verangan lebih nih! tu lah i tot so yg baju merah tu mesti model ke selebrity..tapi i tak kenal sebab dah lame gile tak tengok tv haha..siti saleha is so humble n sgt peramah..die ingat i wartawan sebab i duduk seblah bernama punye org..kuikuikui :P


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