what is your aim? what did you scored? HAPPY GRADUATING LOVE!

dadicated to my kids.


yesterday nite was final presentation nite for industrial marketing.

for some reason the lecturer get me B.
good to know that you know..
i tot it's gonna be like B-

thank a lot bro!
i love you! *eh

in this critical situations,

i didn't target for an A+
My target is to finish everything 
dat i've started

Because i know who i am.
Because I've tried go beyond limit,
But i gain nothing.
So, i assume dat it's not the right time yet.

I believe dat the time will come & i know my actual score is more than an A+++


if only you know the whole stories :)
(actually, i've typed the whole stories, but decided to keep them as my treasure
pengorbanan kita, biar kita sendiri yang tahu, tak perlu kot orang lain tahu :)


few university subject left.
insha allah graduating in july!

dun give up if u fail,
it's a platform to make them BRIGHT again.

the reason we been given life,
is to learn anyway.

keep walking!


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