10 Ways to Write Content That Ranks High on Google

from enterpreneurs.com by BY 

Since its arrival on the online scene, search engine optimization (SEO) has put writers in a difficult position. Do you write for people or the search engine algorithms?

Thankfully, we no longer have to choose. According to an infographic from ContentVerve.com, Google actually prefers natural-sounding content--as do, obviously, your readers. Besides, what's the point of landing a high Google rank if your content won't turn people into customers?

The graphic goes on to explain 10 ways you can ensure your content will land a top spot in Google's search results. Here are a few of them:

1. Forget about keyword density. Google will pick up on keywords, but there's no evidence that cramming them in will help your rank.
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2. Write long, quality content. Most of the content that makes it to the first page of Google has more than 2,000 words. Long articles also tend to see more shares than shorter ones.

3. Answer customer questions. If a prospective customer has questions about your product or service, he will probably type it into Google. Write content that answers those questions, and he will visit your site. Plus, if your answers are better than those of your competitors, you may land a new customer.

4. Get more social media shares. The more shares your content gets, the more relevant and popular it will seem to Google.

See the full list of tips below:
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10 Ways to Write Content That Ranks High on Google

Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/227491#ixzz2aXoelHPC


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