
Thursday 18 July 2013


salam :)

ketika kebosanan dah tak boleh tido, tetiba hati terdetik nak godey-godey google+
tetiba terkejut beruk sebab semua gambar yg dicapture (yang tak diupload ke laman social) pun ada kat album google+?


sekelo gambar mak jemah duk camewhore dok ada kat kat cyberworld! itu menakutkan! (seb baek sume pakai tudung)

so, kalau korg jenis yang suka buang tebiat baik berjaga-jaga!!

memanglah GOOGLE nih mempunyai hasrat murni untuk mem-back-up gambar-gambar kite,
yelah kalau dolu-dolu..kau terdelete gambar pegi dating secara tak sengaja kat memory card ke ape..mampus dah tak ade copy punya kan? kan? pastu siang malam melalak gambar paleng romentik *takcukupumur* kau dah takde, setaun sedih tak sudah..pastu buat video saya janji dengan awak bagai *uhuks! :P

tapi sekarang dengan adenye back-up ko tak de lah berduka sangat kalau jari-jemari kau yg besar tuh tertekan button delete ker kan, masih ada copy kat laman-laman "berkenaan"




memang lah die cakap "PRIVATE" no one see but you,
tapi berdasarkan pengalaman dari laman FACEBOOK yang tetibe tukar privacy configuration sesuka hati tanpa diberitahu, jadi agak menakutkan jugaks weh!
dah lah pengodam zaman sekarang hebaks lain macam..pakai tab atau smartphone pun boleh masuk kau punya private account.. (skang dah takut kan?)

memandangkan hampir kesemua pemilik android ada account google dan tak aware pun benda nih terjadi sebab biasa online pakai smartphone 24/7 maka baik lah anda lebih berhati-hati, dan mulakan langkah berjaga-jaga incase jer..takut-takut berlaku perkara tak diingini data kita jadi mangsa..habes! ape tunggu lagi? jika anda pengguna android macam fiey kat bawah nih fiey ada copy paste kan cara-cara korang boleh stop gambar-gambar dari dimuat naik secara automatik (walaupun anda hanya CAPTURE tapi tak di-share) kalau yg guna iPHONG, anda google lah sendiri yeah..jemah dok pakai pong maha aku tak tau acane care nak buat tapi aku rase lebih kurang jer kut..aku rase lahhh..hukaloh =_=*


When you first sign in, you're prompted to enable or disable Auto Backup. You can change this at any time by going to your Google+ Settings.

Enable or disable Auto Backup

To change this setting after signing in:
  1. Touch  > Settings
  2. Select Camera & Photos
  3. Touch Auto Backup
  4. Toggle On or Off
*kalau SYNC Google Auto Backup & SYNC Google Plus bertanda tick hijau click agar di untick

Enable sync for Auto Backup

When using Auto Backup, make sure Sync is enabled for Auto Backup on your device. You can find this option under your Google account sync settings. When enabling Sync for Auto Backup:
  • Make sure you're currently signed into the Google+ app
  • Select the account currently signed into
Consult your Android device's help documentation for specific instructions on how to configure sync options for your account. If you're using a Nexus device, visit the Android Help Center for more information.

Using Auto Backup

Once enabled, photos taken with your device's camera will be uploaded to your private album on Google+. Auto Backup won't work when you're signed out of Google+. When you sign out of the Google+ app, any pending photos or videos queued for upload won't be saved to your Auto Backup album. If you notice photos and videos have not uploaded, use Back up all.
for more info please click here: Google+ support for android
the same thing if you have picasa web album!
biasanya dia memang auto SYNC, so macam mana nak buat untuk dia tak SYNC?
nah fiey copykan utk korg dari :

Step 1: Stop Picasa Web Album Sync

The first thing you’ll need to do is go into Settings on your device, look for the Accounts section and click on the Google account. Select your email address and deselect the “Sync Picasa Web albums” option.
Disable Picasa web album sync
Disable Picasa web album sync
Keep in mind that stopping the synchronization won’t affect Google+ Instant Upload for photos, and it won’t delete your Picasa images from the cloud. It will just stop these albums from sync’ing to your device and appearing in your Gallery.

Step 2: Clear Gallery Data

Now that Picasa has stopped sync’ing to your phone, new albums should not appear in the Gallery anymore. But the albums that have already been synchronized are already there. That’s why you need to clear the Gallery data.
Go to Settings, Applications Manager and swipe to the 3rd tab (All). Scroll down to Gallery and click it. There, you will be able to “Clear data”.
Click "Clear Data" to force the Gallery to refresh
Click “Clear Data” to force the Gallery to refresh

Step 3: Let the Gallery Refresh

At this point, you’re basically done. All you have to do is open the Gallery and wait for it to refresh and rebuild its thumbnails. If you don’t have a lot of photos stored on your device, this will be almost instantaneous, but you’ll need to wait a few seconds if you have a big collection of photos.
The Gallery is now clean and only shows local photo albums
The Gallery is now clean and only shows local photo albums
It’s quite an easy thing to setup, and the benefits are remarkable especially if your Gallery is littered with Picasa albums that make it harder and harder to find the photos that are stored locally on your phone.
thanks to author. 
ok. so harap post nih membantu yeah..sekian :)

1 comment:

  1. Wahh..tq byk2 la..entri ni sgt membantu...dah settle unsync...fuhhh...

    Ada kelapangan jemput la jenguk blog sy..
