South Korea updates : day 1 - From Busan to Seoul.

 Salam alaik ;)

Masha allah, never thought will get a very good feed back from readers!
Tak sangka, rupanya ramai wanita-wanita yang teringin nak buat pekara gila nih, haha. Kali ni fie terpaksa menulis dalam bahasa inggeris, sebab few of my new friends from all over the world quite interested to my stories! So, fie hanya menulis santai, tatabahasa tu, selamat jalan romeo ok! Jangan nak strict sangat lahh :p Have fun reading!


(don't try dis at home!) Please girls! Please don't travel alone, maybe we can make it in group, if you ever thought about travelling, but you don't have anybody to accompany u, let me know! Let's built a team! ;D

Yes! It seems cool but please take note about safety first ladies!  U'll be facing so many difficulties through out the journey, if you're a lucky strike, it's ok, but if not? We never know what gonna happen.  I'll write down everything bout my experiences travelling alone insha allah, just seat thighs and keep calm, dis gonna take sometimes (few posts haha)!


Day 1.

From last post, about "heart affirming session" really made me tired! So, i slept the whole 6hours in the flight! When i woke up, the captain already announced bout we're safely landed in Gimhea airport, Busan, South Korea. Crazy. Seriously, there's a story behind it! I've been so annoyed! Grrr.

 What's make me annoyed and slept straight 6hours is these two Russian friends who seated beside me left and right!  They are so talkative! -to each other- can u imagine im in between 2 talkative ladies? I do suggest to change seat with one of them because i already "think bout the future" (yeah i do have feelings dat im gonna be a barrier for them to chit chatting all night long) but they refused to change seat with me, and that was how it start. lol. The first few minutes, it was just fine. They were setting their seats, one girl looks almost asleep, and one of them start reading dictionary, so, here we goes. When the girl with dictionary start giving facts, and info, another girl become super excited! Then they start €$¥+*#,!***\#,+ in their language. Owh, ok..ok. Then bla bla bla bla. Am i a gost? lol. Im waiting for them to shut for few mins because I need to re-plan my journey. You know, after everything happened, i've forgot to print out my itinerary =_=* derr.( Basically, the itenerary is almost the same with  kampung boy, city girl's seoul&busan trip but palaces visiting will be skipped. )

So, the girls still talking, and seriously, my brain can't bear with obstreperous and will causing inefficient loading. Haha. So, thats why i decided to sleep :)

Safely arrived.

Actually, I was a bit scared, but it was too late that i had arrived, if i wanted to go back home, it's gonna be the next 6days! Either stay at the airport for the whole week or just step out without worries!

Then, i took all my stuff and just go! No turning back! BIG NO.

My back pack is a bit heavy because seriously, i don't know what should i bring along the situation is so serabut anyway.
So, i just grab things i think im gonna need for the whole week, basic thinggy, 3in1, foods + a lappy.

You know why i bring along my lappy? (Actually, it's a bad idea to bring along lappy, because it's gonna make your bagpack super heavy and YOU'RE NOT GONNA USE IT AT ALL! You not even have time to turn it on! Seriously! I don't think any others bagpakers will bring a lappy along a trip! Duh~ but as a first timer, saving life is the supreme aim. i bring along my lappy, so, in case if i facing any difficulties like : drop out, pick pocket, atm cards problem or coincidently over budget, at least i have precious something dat i can sell right away to get some money! boleh tak? hehe. yelahh..because, who gonna save us dude?? unless u have some familiar face, and he's number, yes, he can pick u up when u get into troubles.

so, after picking up all stuff, i just head over to the tourist counter to get some maps and few info about seoul & busan from the counter girl, she not really fluent in english, so, basically drawing skills is highly recommended in this level. ahaks! in this stage, i am still in a blur situation, because I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START! 

what i really need is a local sim card! so i can use GPS if i get lost, but unfortunetly i cannot find any at the airport, i was frustrated, takkan nak roaming celcom? rm38/day u know! (actually, still cheap kot? but, i hate hidden charges!) there are 2 counters that offer u to rent a phone but damn expensive! you have to put on deposit about 80,000 won and they will charge you about 8,000 won/day. so, FORGET ABOUT IT!


decided to go to Seoul first. "far to nearest rule" (cipta sendiri! pegi tempat jauh dulu, tempat dekat kendian, senang..kalau duit habes, boleh jalan kaki pegi arport! LOL)

i was reading my maps when i saw two Indonesian girls, Deriana & Puteri in front of the tourist counter, they look confounded just like me, without wasting any time, i just greet them and ask if i could join them as they also heading to Seoul  lucky me! they are super-friendly and welcome me like they already known me for years. awwww.

but they will stay only for 3 days, but alhamdulillah at least im not alone for 3 days.. actually, both of them are not dat fluent in english, surprisingly they are quite familiar to Korean language because they are huge fans of KPOP! heee, even though they don't speak korean, but they do understand basic conversation, thanks god! so, all communication in english are mostly made by me, and them, take over the kpop!

so, we had another session with the kpop girl at the tourist counter to guide us route to seoul, when we met another group of 5 girls also from indonesia, jakarta.
they also heading to seoul and this group will be staying 6days like me. hurmm, maybe i can stay with them too?

our first option is by using KTX, the express rail, but it was too expensive for the 3 of us, cost about 58,000 Won for one way tix per person, but the other 5 are ok with dat, so we decided to separated. the 3 of us use express bus instead of KTX, only cost us about 21,000 Won from Napo dong Station.

after we got everything from the kpop counter girl, then here we start our journey! To Nopo Dong Express Bus Station we go!we took the light rail subway and been transferred a few times before we got to Napo Dong Station (i dun really remember the stations we've been transferred, insha allah i'll update later)

fare to all stations are same, 
about 1,200 - 1,500 won per/way

(as few readers is curious about this,
i will write more on the metro & subway on next post ok, because the subway system is super crazehhhh for me to explain it here :)

masha allah so beautiful!
from airport to Napo Dong.

Humetro, also one of the subway.

elderly in the subway.

modern-contemporary :D

Napo Dong Express Bus Station. about 12pm.

arrived 6 hours later at Gangnam-gu Express Bus Station

15,000 won taxi ride to ur hotel.
devide to 3, ok lah kan?

the taxi driver take few minutes to find our hotel, 
luckily we found it before dark, or else we gonna have to find another one.

dis hanok (by Hostel Korea) is the place we stay for 3 days,
actually, Deriana & putri already book the hotel for them,
about 45,000 w/night
add people: 7000 w/night

wire and sunset, much LOVE :D


insha allah more update later,
been busy a bit since start working.

any inquiry atau soalan urgent 
sebab dah nak pegi korea ke ape kan?

boleh whatsapps/wechat/line fiey terus

sebab fiey tak bukak blogger selalu ok :D

ps/ sorry for being so broken, 
dis is me, always keep everything simple, and easy!
i hope u all may understand and enjoy!

fiey ahmads


  1. Aigoo... Bestnya dapat pergi Kowea.. TT TT Saya akan tunggu sampai habes update day 6. kekeke~

  2. u r super oshem u know.. alone in the middle of seoul.. if i were in ur place, conform crying... i'm heading to Itaewon in two weeks soon.. wish me luck.. btw, kalau naik subway memang super murah, top-up siap2 t-money.. 1,000 won = brpa duit malaysia skrg ni ya.. 3.0something ke 2.7something2..


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