The girl i used to be.

Alhamdulillah for today.

My passion towards financial market is going crazy everyday!

Today i find my self can actually raise my voice a bit higher to motivate a guy who look so lost.

Dat guy is actually a prospect, but then he asked how to be an agent like me. How i can actually do it so "successfully", (seriously im a new comer, im not yet successful but i know im on the successful right track ) -insha allah i'll be successful, thankyou for ur doa people ^_^*

at first i was excited to open up my stories..

Thennn..i got pissed off.

I am so angry with dat guy!
Keep asking how i can do this and dat..
when i told him the answer,
he keep on blaming others! Damn ass.

OMGGGG. Im actually starting to read people!

Dat was crazy.
dat damn ass guy is soo like the "WAS" me !!

Last-last fie malas nak layan dia, sebab my "cancel-cancel go away" and "always go next" is so strong! Hahaha.

My partner selalu ckp.
"Fie, you are a zero to hero"

From nothing - no knowledge on financial market, now i could relate every financial terms in daily life. HAHAHA. dats awesomeeeee


Seriously, when i decided to join as a fulltime consultant, Everything look so damn hard!
I only saw the negativity in every angle of life! EVERY ANGLE -i really means dat bro!

I didn't realize i was a damn ass.

Everything came out from my mouth are ONLY regrets, naggings, and blames.


dat "WAS ME"..


I am a totally different person,
Thank you to my boss, my crime partner & the whole team for being so positive and high energy! Family and friends.

I learned something which is when u focusing on ur negativity, u've just broaden or spread the things u don't wish.

You know something:

Tuhan mengikut 'sangkaan' hambanya. Jadi, sentiasa lah bersangka HANYA apa yang anda ingin capai.

Bahaya/jangan bersangka apa yg anda tidak mahu terjadi. Kalau terlintas, cepat2 buangkan jauh2.


So, everytime i talk about something negative no one will entertain me..especially the boss and my crime partner.

He will always change the topic what so ever.
till i have to fake the feelings when im around them.. itu yg dipanggil "fake it till u make it"

Kadang-kadang hapiness pun kita kena fake it jugak tau.

Some people just dont know why we should be happy.

Wonder why?

Happy is a form of energy,
Energy attract more money!

So, be happy :)

Everything in dis world are actually have their own energy.

Belajar fizik tak? Dalam sains tingkatan biasa pun ada jugak belajar nih:

Semua benda kan ada zarah
Dan zarah kan bergetar.. betul tak?
Pergerakkan a.k.a getaran = tenaga (energy)
Maksudnya semua benda ada energy.

There are 2 type of energy:
-positive (baik)
-negative (tak baik)

So, get to know both.
And..get rid of the negative one,
because u dont need it satu pun!

Amik yang positive-positive aje,
From there u'll find peace!
U'll change a lil bit better everyday.
And finally,

U'll doing GREAT.

Tak caya cobakan ya..

I am so thankful that allah show me the path.
It has been few years since im looking for peace in mind.

You know, i might not have anything i want yet..but atleast now i know what i want so clearly & how to get them all!!! :)


Bye-bye the old me,
welcome Billionaire Fiey Ahmads!

FA Billionaire Sisters


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