Hashtag for Financial industry


This a very good info for us in financial industry. I believe in social media, especially blog/fb/instagram in spreading business.

Alhamdulillah lately i got so many new customer from my instagram. Believe it or not.

Very easy tips. THE USAGE OF HASH TAG!
That's all, here an article i copied from a website that tell us the best hashtag can be use in this industry..the article use twitter but, i bet we can use the same method for both ig and fb. Have fun reading and "luaskan kuasamu!"


Twitter is an effective tool for financial professionals and those wanting to follow financial news because it’s a quick way to consume information.

Imagine being en route to a meeting and reading through all the financial tweets you can gather for the period, and the amount of new learning and potential input it can give you to make key decisions for your career or, if you’re a professional, your client’s portfolio.

Because tweets cannot go beyond 140 characters, the delivery of concise, gist-only data is valuable and could make or break the next financial decision or advice that comes out of your mouth.

Here are the most widely used Twitter hashtags for the financial professionals and for students of finance.

As some of them are tweet chats, not only do these hashtags lead you to a smorgasbord of concepts both revisted and new, they also give you the opportunity to meet users with more experience, network with them and, possibly, attain new clients.

Hashtags For Financial Professionals


If you want to get the latest news on conferences you’re following, chances are the organizers have already set up a dedicated Twitter account for the event. For instance, the September 2012 Financial Forecasting & Planning Innovation Conference in Boston carries the hashtag #FPABTN.

To know the hashtag of the specific conference you’re tracking, visit the event’s website.

You may also want to check our list of hashtags for businesses.

Alternatively, you can join a tweet chat, which is not a conference but still an event (online) where you can engage with fellow financial professionals and industry leaders about developments in the business and other trends. For a comprehensive and updated list of all ongoing tweet chats worldwide.

(Source: http://www.hashtags.org/platforms/twitter/hashtags-for-the-financial-industry/)

Hashtags For The Financial Industry
Avatar of Vanessa DoctorVanessa Doctor August 31, 2012 0
Financial District, Manhattan by Robert A. Coles, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License  by  Robert A. Coles


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